ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774


Communicationof the Person Who Was Born Deaf-Dumb and At the Same Time Blind, With Othersthrough Smartphone -Case Study


The main purpose of doing this project is to help the disables person sand the braille language plays an role in the project, the braille language was invented by Louis Braille[3]. And the robot also plays role in the project thus the human hand is an inspiration for the robot hand. We made investigations on the braille language and the design of robotic hand[2] and text and voice convertor to get the result for the project. And the process includes 5 steps of procedure. as the result of completing the above procedures, we learnt about the basics on robot and braille language. And finally we concluded and made a project that helps the deaf , dumb and blinds to communicate through smart phones.

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