ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

Survey on Minimizing Payment Cost of Cloud Service Provider 


AbstractMany industries and researchcenter using a cloud service provider (CSP) provider for storing data on thatand CSP used many web applications such as web portal, online social networkproviding services to the clients all over the world. These types ofdatacenters provide the different unit prices and get/put latencies forresources reservation and allocations. Selection of different CSPs datacentersand cloud customers facing two challenges (I.) How to allocating data to thedatacenters in worldwide to satisfy application Service Level Objectives (SLO)requirement which includes both data availability and retrieval latency. (II.)How to allocate reserve resources and data in the datacenters, which belongs todifferent CSP to minimizing payment cost. Find out the solution of these challenges firstly we used integerprogramming techniques for handles cost minimization problems.  We propose three techniques for reducing theservice latency and payment cost 1. Multicast Based Data Transferring, 2.Coefficient Based Data Reallocation and 3. Request Redirection BasedCongestion.

Keywords: Cloud ServiceProvider, Service Level Objectives, Payment Cost Minimization, and DataAvailability.

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