ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

A Survey on Shoulder SurfingResistant Graphical Authentication Systems


ABSTRACT: Authentication based on passwords is used largelyin applications for computer security and privacy. However, human actions sucha choosing wrong passwords and inputted passwords in not secure way areregarded as” the weakest connection” in the authentication chain. Rather thanarbitrary alphanumeric character, users tend to select a password either shortor his name related for easy memorization. With web site applications and mobilephone apps charging up, peoples can get access these type of applicationanytime and anywhere with multiple devices. This evolution brings goodconvenience but also improves the probability of exposing passwords to shouldersurfing attacks. Attackers can observe directly or use external recordingdevices to collect users’ credentials. To come this problem, we proposed anovel authentication system Pass Matrix, based on graphical passwords to resistshoulder surfing attacks. Many authentications methods are presented, but usersare familiar with textual password method. Textual password methods arevulnerable to shoulder surfing and key loggers. To come this problem many otherauthentication system like token based authentication, biometric bases authenticationsystems, graphical password methods have been proposed. However biometric basesauthentication systems are costly and graphical password systems are not thatsecure and efficient.

KEYWORDS:Graphical Passwords, Authentication, Shoulder Surfing Attack.

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