ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

Recommender System forWeb Services Employing QoS Values and Physical Location


Abstract Recommendation of Webservice is the popular area of research in the field of IT. Collaborativefiltering (CF) is one of the popular method of web service recommendation whichis based on a Quality of Service (QoS) parameters of the service. Web servicesare nothing but a software component which are designed to perform machine tomachine communication over the network. The QoS of web service is essentialfactor which is taken into consideration while selecting the appropriate webservice. Previously a number of studies or methods were conducted for choosingweb services and making their recommendation by performing collaborativefiltering; here we are going to examine these methods with their advantages andlimitations. And also based on this study we are proposing a new technique forweb service recommendation which is based on past experience of user regardingQOS of web service and their location.

Keywords:- WebService, Service Computing, Collaborative filtering, QoS values, Web servicerecommendation, QoS prediction, collaborative filtering, privacy preservation.

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